the vita table continues with harvard anthropologist richard wrangham and his provocative new book, CATCHING FIRE: how cooking made us human.
did cooking – more than the use of tools or meat eating – push forward our evolution and make us human?
wrangham posits that the innovation of cooking food – breaking down its components to more digestible forms – is what unleashed sufficient energy and nutrients to make possible the fueling of the mighty human mind. he also delves fearlessly into controversial implications for the raw foods movement, the diet industry, our food labeling system, and even gender roles.
one pot, caffe vita, and kim ricketts will set a festive table amidst the towering bags of green coffee on capitol hill to welcome dr. wrangham in conversation and heavy feasting. a team of chefs including michael hebb, conor donahue (range, farralon), kurt timmermeister (kurtwood farms), and mark fuller (spring hill) will be cooking a seasonal meal in a neapolitan wood fired oven. renowned author greg atkinson, dr. andy mcshea and debra music from theo chocolate and michael hebb will launch into an in-depth conversation with dr. wrangham.
$45/person. includes a signed copy of catching fire. byo wine.
make a reservation here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/69522
location: 1005 East Pike 7pm
The Vita Table
Seattle is renowned as the most Literary and Educated city in the country. To celebrate our city and the power of IDEAS three distinct organizations (caffe vita, one pot, and kim ricketts) have banded together to launch an intimate series of events that gently removes THE SPEAKER FROM THE PODIUM.
We have been lucky enough to bring some of the leading thinkers, writers, musicians, cultural leaders, academics, and filmmakers to our table.: Bill Mckibben, Spike Lee, Marco Pierre White, Cameron Sinclair, Mark Roth, The Master Musicians of Jajouka, DJ Spooky, Jennifer 8 Lee (the list continues).
This is a series about provocative ideas, dangerous ideas, musical ideas, culinary ideas, life-changing ideas; the ideas that form our culture. In the spirit of the SYMPOSIUM, we think that the perfect place to hold this dialogue is over food and drink and at a common table.
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